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Chloe Berry Is Building Her Own Musical Universe

The bedroom-pop singer-songwriter talks musical inspiration, her newest single and more.

To start off, could you tell us a little bit about yourself and your music?

Of course! I’m Chloe Berry and I’m an indie musician from New York City. I’ve been releasing music for over three years now – although I’ve been writing songs for as long as I can remember. All of my music is created in my bedroom with my partner/producer Spoonuel.

On top of your lyricism – and trademark DIY production – your music is clearly strung together by an aesthetic sensibility that often seems missing in modern-day music. Whether it’s your cover art, or one of your many music videos (“Pocket Full of Daisies” comes to mind) you’ve managed to create a universe that’s full of colour and light, a place that exists in complete contrast to your dark lyricism. Was this division between the visual and written intentional, or did it come about by accident?

Since I do most of my own visuals and cover artworks, it all comes from me. I like colorful backdrops and cute things — aesthetically pleasing stuff. And then I’ve always been interested in contrasting the beauty of the world with the darker, rawer parts of my art, so it developed in my music and visuals in a natural way. It’s definitely more unintentional — just a product of me being true to myself.

Who are your main musical inspirations?

I grew up listening to a lot of Fiona Apple. Her honest lyricism has stuck with me. I’m also deeply inspired by the incredible musicians in my life: my grandpa who is a self-taught multi-instrumentalist; my uncle who releases dreamy music under the name Strange Flora; and my dad who is a D.J. So I grew up exposed to a lot of unique music.

Recently, you’ve been promoting your upcoming single “Unbecoming” on Instagram, where you sing about being “nostalgic for the me I used to be before the world got to me.” How would you describe the track, and what inspired you to create it?

This song came to fruition shortly before my 21st birthday: I was feeling this full-on coming-of-age angst and found myself longing for a time when I had not yet lived through tragedy, heartbreak, the pandemic and oh-so-many tears.

I often find myself missing the younger versions of myself and thinking kindly back on them – so that was the inspiration. This song is about nostalgia and longing, but it’s also upbeat and has an airy feeling. I hope people like it!

How has the pandemic affected you musically, and what advice would you give to young artists who are looking to start their craft in these unpredictable times?

I personally used the pandemic as an opportunity: I started my music business degree online and started working virtually with labels across the country.

There’s a lot of unpredictability and unsureness about live shows and touring still, but I think these struggles have forced musicians to find innovate ways to share their work. Thinking outside of the box and working around issues is now an integral part of being a musician.

I would recommend to artists just put themselves out there as often they can. I was so anxious about sharing my music at first, but for every hater there’s a beloved fan.

Social media is also a great place for building community and connecting with other musicians. I think viewing it that way instead of “going viral” will really change your mindset for the better.

And, above all, focus on your craft and learn as much as you can!

Finally, how can those interested support your music?

You can support me by listening to my music under Chloe Berry. It’s on all platforms! You can also follow me on TikTok and Instagram and join my email newsletter on my website. I also play tons of really fun live shows in the New York City area (and hopefully more places soon).

Check out the video for Unbecoming below:

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